About Unique Locks

Our company was established in the year 2007 in Kolkata, under the supervision of our partners Abhishek Jaiswal and Vikash Jaiswal. Established in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

We Unique Locks & Hardware Stores are one amongst the renowned exporters & suppliers of Handle Lock, Pad Locks, Door Locks, Shutter Locks, Hemco Locks, Grip Locks, Telco Locks, Godrej Locks, Link Locks, SEF Locks, SUZU Stainless Steel Fittings, SKS Handle, Optima Locks and Sanitary products also. These products are manufactured using latest technology and innovations thereby increasing quality, productivity and performance.

New Arrivals

Special offer

Delivery Charge Free

Between 15th May to 15th June, 2022 all of West Bengal.

Client's Feedback

Good collections of branded locks and hardware, i.e. Godrej, Link, Hettich, Dorset, Hemco, Grip, Telco, Hilam, Sef, Mobaj, Suzu, Ramson, Europa, Sanvi, SN, Quba, Benjo in burrabazar Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Their price are very reasonable compare to others.

K Singh

Proin hendrerit nisi neque, non scelerisque ex bibendum non. Aliquam vehicula magna justo, eu hendrerit lacus scelerisque non

Swapan Mahapatra

Proin hendrerit nisi neque, non scelerisque ex bibendum non. Aliquam vehicula magna justo, eu hendrerit lacus scelerisque non

Arun Kumar Pradhan

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